
How To Thaw A Frozen Outside Drain Pipe

How To Unblock A Frozen Drain Pipe

Snow and icicles on frozen pipe


  • How does a bleed pipe freeze?
  • What causes drain pipes to freeze?
    • Gradually heat the pipes
    • Pour boiling h2o down the drain pipe
    • Add a handful of common salt
  • What to exercise if you lot know the frozen pipage has flare-up
  • Contact united states today

Each year information technology feels like our winters are getting colder, with many parts of the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland plummeting to temperatures equally low equally -18C.

We are currently entering the coldest time of the year, which ways one thing: frozen drain pipes. Wintertime is one of the most challenging seasons to manage, both inside and outside of your abode.

Without realising, nosotros rely on central heating to go along us warm. Simply what would happen if at that place was something stopping our heating from reaching us?

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Keep reading to find out how to unblock a bleed pipe this winter season.

How does a bleed pipe freeze?

When h2o freezes information technology expands, leaving the pipe blocked. The more water involved, the bigger the frozen cake volition be, causing harm to the pipe and frustration for the homeowners.

The more than the blockage develops every bit the temperature drops, the bigger the run a risk of further damage to the pipes' cracks. Once a large amount of water has solidified, it's likely that a release in force per unit area will cause an eruption in the pipes, ultimately destroying the pipes and – in some cases – causing flooding.

As a homeowner, unless y'all've had a professional recently assess your pipes, yous may non even realise that a pipage has burst or has incurred damages until the weather warms, allowing the ice to melt.

Co-ordinate to the ABI, the freezing temperatures at the offset of this yr saw claims for burst pipes jump from £4m to £197m quarter-on-quarter, suggesting that as a nation we are unprepared for the impact of extreme atmospheric condition.

What causes drain pipes to freeze?

Everyone will take to deal with a frozen pipage at some point in their lives. Frozen pipes are incredibly problematic in that they go out you without water circulating through your firm, resulting in the inability to consummate simple daily tasks.

There are a variety of explanations equally to why your drain pipage has frozen. Whilst the drop in temperature is the most mutual reason, other features may besides be to blame, such every bit:

  • Faulty insulation around the pipes
  • Lack of h2o flowing through an exposed bleed pipe
  • A small crevice within the bleed pipe

Burst waste pipe It tin oftentimes be difficult to determine the cause. Luckily, we have some tips and tricks to help you unfreeze your pipes and get your household back to its usual operation self.

Before we swoop into how to unfreeze a drainpipe, it is important to note that you should:

  • NEVER hold an open up flame well-nigh a frozen drain piping. In that location have been several cases where an individual has placed an open flame next to a frozen pipe and concluded upwardly losing their unabridged house to a fire. Blowtorches, open flames and candles should never be exposed to a frozen pipe.
  • NEVER use corrosive drain cleaners every bit they tin cause a astringent chemical reaction with either the ice or the pipes. This will consequence in the leak of a poisonous gas or substance that could shoot support the pipe. If this were to happen, it could crusade serious health issues – such equally blindness.

Gradually Estrus The Pipes

When a drain pipe is frozen, the trap part of the pipe is unremarkably the master culprit. The trap is the abstruse-looking slice of pipe located directly under your sink. The most simple way to unfreeze information technology is to warm it up.

However, exercise not apply an extreme amount of heat or utilise whatsoever sort of open flame (such every bit a lighter or blow torch) every bit this may cause further harm to the pipe. If the pipe has been damaged through exposure to extreme heat, yous will need to call out a professional service to fix the impairment.

Yous can gradually heat your frozen pipes past using some form of electric equipment, such every bit a pilus dryer or space heater. Do not place the production right on the pipe or you'll risk further harm.

If you lot do not have access to such products, or your plug socket won't allow the product to reach nigh the pipe, so you can opt to use a heating pad, warmed towel or a wet towel that has been soaked in hot water. Ensure the soaked towel is thoroughly wrung out, then simply wrap the cloth around the pipage and leave information technology to thaw the ice inside.

The process cannot be rushed or else farther damage may occur, resulting in an emergency call-out service. Wrap the pipe with a hot towel or identify the space heater near the piping and expect for roughly 20-30 minutes.

Once the recommended time has passed, remove the product and turn on the taps. If no water comes through, attempt repeating the process one more time.

Pour humid water downwards the bleed pipe

If yous do non have access to such electrical appliances, then pouring boiling water down the pipe can be a another option.

Still, you should be extremely careful when completing this task every bit the boiling water has the potential to spit support the pipe. This risk volition depend on how far down the pipe the ice blockage is.

Whether you heat a pan of water on the stove or boil the water in the kettle, there needs to be enough water to break through the ice and defreeze the bleed completely.

We advise that you merely consummate this process twice as if the pipe is severely blocked, the boiling h2o may not be able to break through the unabridged cake of ice, resulting in the extra water becoming part of the frozen blockage.

Part thawed frozen pipe If you take tried the two options higher up and are still non getting any water coming through your pipes, then there is one concluding trick yous can try before bringing in the professionals.

Add together a handful of common salt

Y'all may have seen salt trucks being used to disperse salt particles over the roads and pavements during the wintertime seasons. This takes place because salt can cook ice past lowering the freezing betoken of the h2o.

You can apply the same methodology to your frozen bleed pipe. Whilst nosotros can't promise instant results, we know from experience that this technique has the potential to exist successful.

Just pour a scattering of salt down your drain piping, quickly followed by boiling water. Alternatively, boil the water in a saucepan and stir the salt in the humid h2o. Once the salt has completely dispersed, carefully cascade information technology downwardly the drain.

If you nevertheless haven't had whatsoever luck, it may be time to phone call in the professionals. A specialist will be able to thoroughly assess the pipes to detect out why your pipes take frozen and where the blockage is located.

What to practice if you know the frozen piping has burst

In the unfortunate circumstance that your drain pipe has completely burst, the first thing you should do is shut off the chief water line into your holding to prevent whatever further impairment occurring.

Turning off the water mains will as well prevent water from leaking or flooding into your house. To ensure ultimate safety, all electricity nearly the pipe should exist shut off immediately equally a precaution.

When it comes to burst pipes, in that location is a high chance of leaks within your abode. If non dealt with promptly, the leak could lead to flooding, dampness and mould.

Ultimately, the best mode to unfreeze your drain pipes is to contact the professionals. If yous are unable to locate the pipe or the frozen blockage within the pipe, or you don't feel confident that you volition exist able to thaw the frozen pipage without causing further damage, then give a professional team a call.

Non only will they be able to fix the issue, they can also advise you on how to prevent similar incidents happening in the time to come.

Contact usa today

We operate 24 hours a day, vii days a calendar week, helping you to bargain with emergencies such asalluvion damage,leak detection andmould remediation. We tin have specialised technicians on-site inside 60 minutes of your telephone call, regardless of location or fourth dimension.


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